
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon

The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha ShannonThe Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
on February 26, 2019
Genres: Fiction / Coming of Age, Fiction / Fantasy / Epic, Fiction / Fantasy / General, Fiction / General, Fiction / LGBTQ+ / Gay, Fiction / LGBTQ+ / Lesbian, Fiction / Women
Pages: 848
Format: Paperback
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“No woman should be made to fear that she was not enough.”

This standalone epic fantasy novel is set in a richly developed world. The story is characterized by intricate world-building, complex characters, political intrigue, and a unique twist on classic fantasy elements. It is set in a world where dragons are a central part of the mythology and history. The novel is told in four different points of view. Ead, a sorceress in the service of the Inysh Queen Sabran. She is sent to the court of Sabran to protect her from assassins and conspiracies. Tane, a dragonrider from the East who aspires to become a dragonrider of the highest order. Her journey takes her to the West and into the heart of political intrigue. Niclays, a disgraced alchemist and former dragon expert who becomes involved in a plot that could change the fate of the world. Lastly, Loth, a character who serves Queen Sabran, and he is Ead’s loyal friend and confidant. His character embodies elements of loyalty, friendship, and devotion, which are central to the relationships in the novel. The central conflict of the novel revolves around the looming threat of an ancient enemy, the Nameless One, who is stirring, and the need for unity among the divided nations to face this threat. Throughout the story, there are themes of politics, power, religion, and the legacy of the past.

This novel was definitely a grand and ambitious epic fantasy novel that defies traditional genre expectations and brings a fresh perspective to the world of dragons, magic, and political intrigue. What sets this book apart is the world-building. Shannon has created a rich and diverse universe filled with distinct cultures, religions, and histories. The portrayal of dragons and the lore surrounding them is particularly fascinating, offering a unique twist on a classic fantasy element. The world Shannon has crafted is vast and immersive, and it’s evident that a lot of thought went into its development. The characters are well-drawn and complex, each with their own motivations and struggles. The one drawback may be the book’s length, which can be intimidating to some readers. However, it’s a testament to the author’s dedication to crafting a fully realized world.

I gave this novel a four star rating. The narrative itself is expansive and engaging, with numerous twists and turns that keep the reader guessing. The pacing can be a bit slow at times, but it allows for a deeper exploration of the characters and the world, making the payoff well worth the investment. Despite its length, it’s a rewarding read for those who enjoy epic, politically driven fantasy stories.


  1. Who was your favorite character?
  2. Did you also enjoy the maps in the front of the book?
  3. Was there a character that you were NOT rooting for?
  4. Are you as anxious as I am to find out the history on some of the character’s family?


  1. My favorite character was definitely Tane. She really grasped my attention right away and I would have LOVED to have had more on her upbringing and history.
  2. Maps are ALWAYS a must when you are bouncing all over the world that they built. I marked the maps with a sticker so that I could reference it quickly. As soon as they mentioned a place, I immediately went to find it to see their travels.
  3. I was not a fan of Niclays. He just seemed all over the place and I could never get a feel for him. At first I thought I would like him, but then it was like he completely changed and almost seemed like an entirely different character.
  4. I would love to know more on Tane and Ead’s history. They really seem to have the most adventures hidden in their past.


  1. Who was your favorite character?
  2. Was there a character that you were NOT rooting for?
  3. If there was a point in which Shannon would have expanded on more, which part would you have chosen?
  4. Did the finale of the book end the way you were expecting it to?


  1. I was first drawn to Queen Sabran. She seemed like she knew what she want and went for it.
  2. Niclays – he always seemed shady to me.
  3. I would have wanted more background on the Priory. Since it was part of the title I wanted to know more about it.
  4. I thought Ead and Sabran would try to end up in the same place right away. I was a little surprised that they both sacrificed for the good of their kingdoms, but glad about it. I was glad that Tane was back on her dragon.

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