
Family Family by Laurie Frankel

Family Family by Laurie FrankelFamily Family by Laurie Frankel
on January 23, 2024
Genres: Fiction / Family Life / General, Fiction / Literary
Pages: 400
Format: Hardcover
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Frankel can write a book that makes you remember it and teaches you a heartfelt lesson at the same time. Her books are in another class. This one was about the importance of adoption. If you haven’t read a Frankel book you should! They would make for excellent discussion!

The MC India Allwood grew up and aspiring actress. She knew she could do it if she tried hard enough. Then when she was 16 she got pregnant. Her boyfriend at the time was ready to do the honorable thing, but neither was really ready for marriage either.

Fast forward years later and she a Hollywood star and doing a movie about….Adoption. It touches on a nerve she should have known better about. She has 2 kids, whom she had adopted. She had experience giving a baby up for adoption. So she is newbie at this adoption thing. So when she gets grilled by reporters and paparazzi she wants them to know that there is more to her family than pain and regret. Her children are happy.

But when her statement goes viral and the media have a frenzy over whether she is PC or not, her family does something that shows just how complicated family really can be.

This one was touching and messy and complicated! But I loved this and couldn’t stop reading this one. I think this would make for an excellent book club pick. Her novels are ones that will stick with you! This author’s note pushed this from a 4.5 star to a 5 star book!


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