
Age Of Vice by Deepti Kapoor

Age Of Vice by Deepti KapoorAge of Vice by Deepti Kapoor
on January 3, 2023
Genres: Fiction / Crime, Fiction / Family Life / General, Fiction / Literary
Pages: 560
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This is a bit of a door stopper if you aren’t prepared, with it being 548 pages, but worth the read. Age Of Vice is told in alternating characters and timelines. The story starts out with a little history of the main characters and then really gets into the action with the event that kicks off the story. A Mercedes crashes at 3am and kills 5 people. The driver is taken from the scene and replaced with a poor servant. And then the drama really begins.

Ajay, Sunny, and Neda are the characters whose lives collide in a way they each think will become their escape from their lives, but what they find is not what they expected.

Ajay was a kid struggling with his own family issues and trying to survive his poverty. He was working as a waiter when he met Sunny. Sunny was a spoiled, wealthy heir who was fond of many vices. He wanted to be more powerful than his father, who was either loved or feared. He used drugs & alcohol to buy friends. After meeting Ajay, he immediately knew how loyal he was and hired him. Ajay was Sunny’s go-to guy for everything, from sun up to sun down. Then Sunny met Neda. She was a journalist who didn’t immediately bow down to Sunny. Eventually he impressed her with his dreams & charm. But she realized he would never be free of his father. All three were part of that terrible accident that changed their lives forever.

I would definitely classify this as a crime thriller/family drama. This one includes corruption, forbidden love, gangsters, lovers, and false friends. I felt like you couldn’t know who to trust. I loved the first half. The second half slowed a bit, but when it speeds up, hold on! (I was almost falling asleep when it hit & I did a major double take & reread that section) AND THAT ENDING!!! I’ll be thinking about this one for a while. This is Crazy Rich Asians meets Sopranos. That’s the best comparison I can think of right now.

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