
Done and Dusted (Rebel Blue Ranch #1) by Lyla Sage

Done and Dusted (Rebel Blue Ranch #1) by Lyla SageDone and Dusted by Lyla Sage
on June 6, 2023
Genres: Fiction / General, Fiction / Romance / General
Pages: 288
Format: Paperback
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I had this book on my TBR for a while but I kept putting it off because of the cover. I should NOT have waited on this one!

“Done and Dusted,” the first book in the Rebel Blue Ranch series by Lyla Sage, offers a refreshing twist on the classic romance narrative. One of the standout elements for me was how the male lead, Luke, falls in love first—a delightful change from the usual trope of the heroine falling head over heels initially. Luke’s early affection brings a sense of sincerity and vulnerability that adds depth to his character, making his journey toward love feel genuine and heartfelt.

I also appreciated how Sage crafted the female protagonist as imperfect and relatable. She isn’t depicted as an unattainable ideal but as someone with flaws and insecurities, just like anyone else. This approach made her character feel real, and it was easy to root for her as she navigated the ups and downs of love and life on the ranch. What truly made this story special, though, was the dynamic between the two main characters. Individually, they may not be perfect, but together, they create a perfect match. Their relationship is portrayed with a balance of tenderness, humor, and realism, showing that love is about embracing each other’s imperfections and growing together. Sage masterfully depicts how the couple’s differences complement each other, making their bond believable and enviable.

Another compelling aspect of the plot was the “off-limits” dynamic, as the female character is Luke’s best friend’s sister. This added a layer of tension and complexity to their relationship that kept me hooked from start to finish. The stakes felt higher, and every stolen glance and unspoken feeling carried more weight because of the potential fallout with their loved ones. It was a clever way to build suspense and conflict, making their eventual union even more satisfying.

Overall, “Done and Dusted” is a charming and heartwarming read that flips the script on conventional romance in the best way possible. If you’re looking for a love story where the characters are as real as they are endearing, and where the journey of falling in love is as important as the destination, this book is definitely worth a read.


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