
It Started With a Book by Camilla Isley

It Started With a Book by Camilla IsleyIt Started with a Book by Camilla Isley
on July 5, 2024
Genres: Fiction / Coming of Age, Fiction / Family Life / General, Fiction / Friendship, Fiction / General, Fiction / Romance / Contemporary, Fiction / Romance / Fantasy, Fiction / Romance / International, Fiction / Romance / Romantic Comedy, Fiction / Romance / Western, Fiction / Small Town & Rural, Fiction / Southern, Fiction / Women
Pages: 306
Format: ARC
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When she’s ghosted by yet another Tinder match, Leighton swears off dating for life. Who needs apps and blind dates when she has the perfect-in-every-way (apart from being fictional) heroes of her beloved romance novels? One night Leigh finds a second hand book on her TBR pile, which transports her to the small town of Lakeville Hills, where the heroines wear shorty shorts and the men drink bourbon. As Leigh drifts off to sleep, she dreams of billionaire cowboy Killian St Clair, who could win a gold medal for smoldering and bicep flexing. For a while, Leigh finds it easier to stomach misogynistic supervisors, newly coupled friends, and extravagant bridesmaid duties knowing she can return to Lakeville Hills each evening. Until one day, she wakes up to find she’s brought a bit of Lakeville Hills back with the impossible sexy and entirely implausible Killian St Clair is in her apartment. Now Leigh must help Killian navigate the real world. But as she gets to know the man behind the trope, can she keep her heart safe, or does she risk falling in love with her book boyfriend in real life?

What a fun premises for a book! I mean, who hasn’t wished their book boyfriend would magically come to life?? This was an enjoyable read, however I found that I was impatiently waiting for the moment Killian would enter the real world and wondering how he would cope. It’s worth sticking through the slower opening chapters as ‘real world’ Killian is quite entertaining. The basis of their relationship was a bit far fetched in the beginning, but as the main characters transition from fiction to the real world it becomes more emotional & true to how scary trusting someone with your heart can feel like as you fall in love.

I gave this novel four stars. It was a nice light hearted and fun romantic comedy. I was not disappointed and I must say wouldn’t it be nice if all our book boyfriends became real?!? The book is adorable. It’s a closed-door romance, but you will be smiling throughout much of it.

Huge thanks to NetGalley and Boldwood Books Publishing for this advanced copy of this adorable romantic comedy in return for my honest opinions.


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