
Just Some Stupid Love Story by Katelyn Doyle

Just Some Stupid Love Story by Katelyn DoyleJust Some Stupid Love Story by Katelyn Doyle
on June 4, 2024
Genres: Fiction / Romance / Romantic Comedy, Fiction / Women
Pages: 336
Format: ARC
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This is a romance in the enemies to lovers/opposites attract/frenemies/rom-com genre. I haven’t read Katelyn Doyle before, but she is known for her historical romances under the name Scarlett Peckham. I enjoyed the will they, won’t they drama in this one.

Seth and Molly are both invited to their 15th class reunion. It’s something that Molly would normally not attend. But something Seth lives for. Molly is a rom-com writer who doesn’t believe in love. Seth is a divorce attorney who is searching for “the one” and is a hopeless romantic. Seth and Molly used to date in high school but Molly ended things when the going got serious.

So at the reunion, Seth and Molly have a hookup and end up making a bet on what couples will be together by their 20th reunion. And the final couple they bet on is themselves. Neither knows they have been harboring feelings for one another all this time. Seth bets that they will end up together (because they just hooked up and his “the one” radar is ALWAYS on) and Molly bets they won’t (because love is a construct and true love isn’t real).

Then they spend the next 5 years going back and forth flirting and not speaking and then flirting and having awkward conversations. I wanted to tell both of them to just be honest but that just brought the tension up and made me turn the page on this one. This book could have been a little shorter but I still liked the tension build up. The secondary characters were fun and had their own development that I enjoyed. The premise is what really drew me in and this was entertaining. This author has a very Emily Henry style of writing (think People We Meet on Vacation). This was a four star read for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Flatiron Books for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.


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