
The Days I Loved You Most by Amy Neff

The Days I Loved You Most by Amy NeffThe Days I Loved You Most by Amy Neff
on July 30, 2024
Genres: FICTION / Family Life / Marriage & Divorce, Fiction / Historical / 20th Century / General, Fiction / Romance / General, Fiction / Women
Pages: 336
Format: ARC
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In the summer of 1941, on the New England shores where they were raised, Evelyn and Joseph fell in love. Now, more than sixty years later, with a lifetime between them, they have gathered their three grown children to share the staggering news: she has received a tragic diagnosis, and he cannot live without her. So in one year’s time, they will end their lives on their own terms. As the couple comes to grips with their fate, they retrace their past, the joys and regrets, the laughter and the sorrow, that brought them to this moment. They embark on a journey to live out their greatest dreams and to comfort and connect with each of their children before they’re gone. But as their final days draw closer, they must confront the stark reality of what they are about to do, and make peace with the legacy they will leave behind for their family.

I’m going to start off by stating that I do not think I was the intended audience for this novel. I tend to not read books such as these because I do not consider them enjoyable. I did like it but at some points it got hard to remember who was who since there’s like 10 different characters with their own life stories. I found Evelyn quite unlikeable and struggled to relate to her. I found her to be completely selfish and not truly in love with Joseph as much as he was in her. It made me feel bad for Joseph. This is a book about family angst and drama, relationships, grief, loss and enduring love. It is a poignant read at times and the author eloquently captures her characters feelings, thoughts and emotions through her writing.

I gave this novel 3.5 stars. Again, I just don’t think I was the right reader for this novel. It was beautifully written but definitely a slower story. For those who are fans of historical fiction, this one would be for you.

Thank you NetGalley and Park Row Publishing for the advanced copy of a timeless tale of unwavering devotion.


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