
The Do-Over by Lynn Painter

The Do-Over by Lynn PainterThe Do-Over by Lynn Painter
on November 15, 2022
Genres: Juvenile Fiction / General, Young Adult Fiction / Family / Blended Families, Young Adult Fiction / Romance / Romantic Comedy, Young Adult Fiction / Science Fiction / Time Travel
Pages: 304
Format: Hardcover
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I had a marvelous time ruining everything

After living through a dumpster fire of a Valentine’s Day, Emilie Hornby escapes to her grandmother’s house for some comfort and a consolation pint of Ben & Jerry’s. She passes out on the couch, but when she wakes up, she’s back home in her own bed, and it’s Valentine’s Day all over again. And the next day? Another nightmare V-Day. Emilie is stuck in some sort of time loop nightmare that she can’t wake up from as she re-watches her boyfriend, Josh, cheat on her day after day. In addition to Josh’s recurring infidelity, Emilie can’t get away from the enigmatic Nick, who she keeps running into, sometimes literally, in unfortunate ways. How many days can one girl passively watch her life go up in flames? And when something good starts to come out of these terrible days, what happens when the universe stops doling out do-overs?

Dang, Painter knows how to write! Her writing not only will give you all the feels but ALWAYS can put a smile on my face. I don’t think I have read anything by her that wasn’t five stars, they are just on a whole different level! And I am not normally a fan of young-adult, but man, I would kill to be back in high school and be able to read something like this. It was cute, fluffy, funny, and easy to read. Like any good romcom does, it made me scream and squeal and hyperventilate. I cannot recommend this one enough. It is the perfect mix of YA and adult romance and I think readers of all ages will love it all the same.

Of course I gave her a five star rating. There is just something about her books that are just so whimsically and perfectly romantic. My only complaint was that  I wish we had more insight into Nick’s feelings towards Emilie prior to the start of the book. Maybe at least an epilogue chapter from his point of view.


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