
The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren

The Paradise Problem by Christina LaurenThe Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren
on May 14, 2024
Genres: Fiction / Humorous / General, Fiction / Romance / Romantic Comedy, Fiction / Women
Pages: 352
Format: Hardcover
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Christina Lauren is back with another great romance that you will fly through! This includes my favorite romance trope of fake relationships and forced proximity. I always devour their books and this was no exception!

Anna Green meets and marries Liam “West” Weston so that they can get student subsidized housing while at college. They live together, but don’t really know much about each other, just co-exist. Then, when college is done and it’s time for the quickie divorce, Anna thinks she has signed divorce papers and everything is settled. Until years later…

West shows back up in her life. She is an artist who is just barely making ends meet and West shows up and offers her a trip to paradise… his wife….which she still technically is.

West has a wealthy family and his father expects him to take over the company, but he is happy being a professor. He isn’t interested in the heartless big corporation its become, but he is interested in his one hundred million dollar inheritance. But their are some strings that come with that inheritance and they are going to involve Anna and a trip to paradise. What can go wrong?!? Especially when it comes to controlling families who watch your every move and aren’t really rooting for you.

I just loved this one! The witty banter was great as Christina Lauren books usually are and the characters are so fun that you want to be friends with them. This is a book you can read in a day. This is a perfect summer book. If you need to escape into a book, this is the one.


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