
The Switch by Lily Samson

The Switch by Lily SamsonThe Switch by Lily Samson
on May 28, 2024
Genres: Fiction / Thrillers / Domestic, Fiction / Thrillers / Psychological, Fiction / Thrillers / Suspense
Pages: 384
Format: ARC
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When young couple Elena and Adam are offered the chance to house-sit in their dream neighborhood for a few months, they jump at the opportunity. The leafy South London enclave is a world away from everything they know, complete with grand homes, lush gardens, and quaint local coffee shops. Soon Elena crosses paths with the beautiful and enigmatic artist Sophia and her husband, Finn, and she and Adam are pulled into their orbit. Sophia is everything Elena isn’t, glamorous, alluring, successful, and Finn exerts a mysterious pull on Elena that she can’t seem to shake. Elena’s infatuation with Finn grows stronger by the day, and when Sophia proposes a thrilling game to her new friend, to swap partners in secret, Elena agrees. It’s not long before Elena experiences a sexual awakening that blossoms into an illicit love affair, but Sophia’s plans are far more dangerous than Elena could ever have imagined. . .

Let me just start off by saying that book was so addicting!! What a book! Super fast paced and crazy ridiculous! The characters were expertly crafted, and their questionable morals added an extra layer of intrigue to the story. I found myself constantly wanting to know more about them and their motivations. I was able to guess a few of the twists, but I only think so because my mind can really think up some crazy thoughts! 🙂 I did find myself screaming to know how it was going to end!

Wonderfully five star rating for this debut. I was immediately impressed. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a thrilling read. No matter how outlandish it seemed and entirely implausible at times, it was so entertaining to me that I could not put it down!

Huge thanks to NetGalley and Pamela Dorman Books for the advanced copy of this intense, fast-paced, insane thriller for my honest review.


1 thought on “The Switch by Lily Samson”

  1. This was so crazy but in a good way! I couldn’t look away from this one! I feel like this is one you will want to talk to someone about and have that I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS with this book! I highly recommend!

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