
I Hope This Finds You Well by Natalie Sue

I Hope This Finds You Well by Natalie SueI Hope This Finds You Well by Natalie Sue
on May 21, 2024
Genres: Fiction / Coming of Age, Fiction / Friendship, Fiction / Humorous / General, Fiction / Romance / Workplace, Fiction / Women
Pages: 352
Format: ARC
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If you are in need of an office drama with a touch of romance this is your novel! I was intrigued by the premise and had to know all about this one.

Jolene is an admin with Supershops, Inc and has been for many years. She has coworkers who don’t understand boundaries or her introvert ways. In order to survive her bullying coworkers she vents by sending emails with postscripts to air her grievances and then changes the text color to white so that they can’t be seen. (I did my own testing on this and this could happen!!!) But then one of her secret messages is accidentally seen and she is found out!! So it’s sensitivity training for Jolene complete with a super friendly HR named Cliff. She also has some email restrictions that are placed upon her. Buuuut… IT mess up lets her have unlimited access to her entire department’s emails and messages. When Jolene goes to Cliff to report it, she almost gets the words out but Cliff is so encouraging that she never gets it out and she is left with all this access.

But who wouldn’t want unrestricted access to their coworkers correspondence? Jolene finds out what her coworkers are really saying about her and other coworkers. She also finds out a future layoff. So she thinks she needs the chance to save her job and scope out her competition.

But as Jolene continues to spy, she finds out all sorts of things about her coworkers and even something involving herself. She tries not to like her coworkers, even Cliff, but she starts to break. As her attitude changes, her circumstances might also. And she might find some friends.

I loved the characters and the drama as it unfolded. I was turning pages so quickly on this one! Working in an office really gives me a unique look into this one and I laughed so much at this one. I was really rooting for multiple characters in this one. This is a good reminder that you never know what someone is going through in their personal life so always give the benefit of the doubt and be nice. I really liked this book. This was a 4.5 star book for me because of how much I laughed and even teared up at the end.

A special thank you to NetGalley and William Morrow for the ARC of this funny & entertaining novel.


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